Wednesday 17 April 2013

Wednesday 27th March

Collaborative Statement

In the morning Liz and Joe showed us a powerpoint each. Liz's was very interactive. She gave us a collaborative statement to look at with questions underneath that we had to answer. Once we had individually answered the questions, we took it in turns to underline the answers on the whiteboard. This helped us to understand the layout and what needed to be included in a statement. 
In Joe's powerpoint we discussed and compared different artists' statements to find the key words you would take out to put into a collaborative statement. We then made up a collaborative statement from 4 different artists statements that were in the gallery in college. 

In the afternoon we had each come with our own personal statements in which we took out key words that we wanted to include and that would represent the exhibition as a group and as individuals if needed. Liz then helped us to piece it all together like a jigsaw. It is still unfinished but we got the majority of it completed. 

'Materia Media, is a collective group show by fine art students bases in Carmarthen. Responding to 'Medicines in May', the annual even held at the Botanic Gardens of Wales, the works explore notions of layering from delicately considered building of metaphorical histories of place, through to the exposure of the fallacies of the methods of which these are constructed.'

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